15 LAST Things You Didn’t Realise Everyone Else Does Too

Alright, we have hit the trifecta, here is the third instalment of this little mini series.

Read the first two 15TYDREEDT here (doesn’t quite roll off the tongue does it?)

15 Things You Didn’t Realise Everyone Else Does Too

15 MORE Things You Didn’t Realise Everyone Else Does Too

Here’s the list!

  1. Thinking that the 90’s were 10 years ago…
  2. Knowing that Sunday nights are way more depressing than Monday mornings
  3. Immediately forgetting someones name right after they introduce themselves
  4. Rehearsing arguments in your mind just in case it should ever come up
  5. Stopping at traffic lights and making that awkward eye contact with drivers around you
  6. Being at the cinemas when the cashier says “Enjoy the movie!” and replying “You too!” and just wanting to evaporate into thin air
  7. Saying you are ‘on your way’ when you haven’t even left the house yet
  8. Going to the fridge looking for something to eat, realising there isn’t anything, and going back a minute later just to check again
  9. Using the word ‘etc’ to make others think you know more than you really do
  10. Running to answer the phone and having it stop ringing just as you pick it up
  11. In the new year it takes about two months to start writing the correct year on anything
  12. Facebook stalking
  13. You would rather carry 12 shopping bags in each hand than have to take two trips
  14. Playing it cool when you realise you are walking in the wrong direction and have to turn around
  15. Seeing someone trying to play it cool when they turn around and walk the other way, but knowing they just realised they were walking in the wrong direction